Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Overdose National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA

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Alcohol overdose is a serious and life-threatening situation that can arise when you drink too much alcohol in one sitting for your body to handle. If you experience an overdose, your doctor will ask you about your drinking habits and health history.

can you overdose on alcohol

Your doctor may also perform additional tests, such as blood tests and urine tests. You should remain with the unconscious person until emergency medical help arrives. If you drink more than this and your body isn’t able to break it down fast enough, it accumulates in your body.

What Does an Overdose on Alcohol Look Like?

Call 911 if someone you know is experiencing an alcohol overdose. Includes detox and prescription opioid or heroin addiction treatment. To learn more about alcohol overdose, visit the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism fact sheet Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Overdose. You can also link to the fact sheet on your website and print it to give out at community events. Keep the person on the ground in a sitting or partially upright position to prevent the risk of falling or choking. Studies show that certain demographics may be at a higher risk of encountering and abusing alcohol.

can you overdose on alcohol

For this reason, you should identify the significant signs of alcohol overdose early to prevent complications. Speak to a licensed doctor for help to avoid alcohol withdrawal syndrome and self-medication. Consuming an excessive amount of alcohol can lead to an overdose. A person who has ingested too much of the beverage may begin to act strangely. Mild symptoms include stumbling, slurred speech, incoherence and confusion. Coma, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain and loss of consciousness are severe signs of an overdose on alcohol. Those exhibiting severe symptoms require medical attention and should seek it as quickly as possible.

How To Help Someone With Alcohol Poisoning

As you get older, your body processes alcohol more slowly, leading to a higher BAC and risk of overdose. This poses many dangers, as vomiting does not lower your BAC. Additionally, it’s possible to choke on your own vomit when intoxicated as alcohol reduces your gag reflex, which can lead to death. If you have other health https://ecosoberhouse.com/ conditions, such as diabetes, you may be at greater risk for having an alcohol overdose. Having a high tolerance for alcohol or drinking quickly can put you at increased risk for an alcohol overdose. If a person is unconscious or lying down, roll him or her onto one side with an ear toward the ground to prevent choking.

Can you live without a liver?

You can't live without a working liver. If your liver stops working properly, you may need a transplant. A liver transplant may be recommended if you have end-stage liver disease (chronic liver failure). This is a serious, life-threatening liver disease.

We offer treatment for all kinds of substance abuse including alcohol, opioids, and alcohol overdose other drugs. One of the most obvious symptoms of alcohol overdose is vomiting.

What to Do if You Suspect Someone Has an Alcohol Overdose

If the patient has already lost consciousness, keep them on their side to avoid the risk of aspirating on vomit. Because alcohol overdose can lead to hypothermia, it is important you keep them warm.

Men are more likely than women to drink heavily, resulting in a greater risk for an alcohol overdose. Young adults are more likely to drink excessively, leading to an alcohol overdose. Cold showers, hot coffee, and walking do not reverse the effects of alcohol overdose and could actually make things worse. This throws off your electrolyte imbalance which can lead to heart attack and stroke. After contacting emergency medical help, it’s important to stay with the individual to prevent him from accidentally injuring himself.

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